Technical Program Committee Meeting Information

The Technical Program Committee meeting will be held in the University of California, Los Angeles. April 19, 2014.


  • 8 to 8:30 Breakfast outside of 1240B Kinsey

  • 8:30 to 9:15 Main discussion in 1240B Kinsey

  • 9:30 to 12:00 Subcommittee meetings in smaller conference rooms

    1. 1 Technologies 53-135 (Elliott) Engr IV
    2. 2 Circuits 53-125 (Tesla) Engr IV
    3. 3 Logic & Architecture 57-124 (Maxwell) Engr IV
    4. 1 CAD Tools & Methodologies 4732 Boelter
    5. 2 Systems & Platforms 4750 Boelter
    6. 3 Software & Applications 4549 Boelter
  • 12:00 to 1:00 Lunch in 4760 Boelter Hall

  • 1:00 to 3:30 Subcommittee meetings in their respective conference rooms

  • 3:30 to 4:30 Wrap-up in 4760 Boelter

Visitor Information