Monday, 7/24 (Registration hours: 07:45 – 17:20)
8:00 |
Breakfast |
08:40 – 09:00 |
Welcome by General and Program Co-Chairs
09:00 – 10:00 |
Keynote I
A New Silicon Age 4.0: Generating Semiconductor-Intelligence Paradigm with a Virtual Moore's Law Economics and Heterogeneous Technologies
Dr. Nicky Lu Etron Technology, Inc. Chair: Chia-Lin Yang (National Taiwan University) [Forum Hall] |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 – 11:45 |
Session 1A Memories & their Applications
Session Chair: Sangyoung Park [Locke Hall] |
Session 1B Design Implications of Novel Interconnects & Technologies
Session Chair: Alper Buyuktosunoglu [Archimedes Hall] |
Write-Energy-Saving ReRAM-Based Nonvolatile SRAM with Redundant Bit-Write-Aware Controller for Last-Level Caches Tsai-Kan Chien12, Lih-Yih Chiou1, Yi-Sung Tsou1, Shyh-Shyuan Sheu2, Pei-Hua Wang2, Ming-Jinn Tsai2 and Chih-I Wu2 1National Cheng Kung University, 2Industrial Technology Research Institute
Charge Recycled Low Power SRAM with Integrated Write and Read Assist, for Wearable Electronics, Designed in 7nm FinFET Technology Vivek Nautiyal, Gaurav Singla, Satinderjit Singh, Fakhruddin ali Bohra, Jitendra Dasani, Lalit Gupta and Sagar Dwivedi ARM, Ltd.
Spin-Torque Sensors with Differential Signaling for Fast and Energy Efficient Global Interconnects Zubair Azim and Kaushik Roy Purdue University
A Carbon Nanotube Transistor based RISC-V Processor using Pass Transistor Logic Best Paper Nominee Aporva Amarnath, Siying Feng, Subhankar Pal, Tutu Ajayi, Austin Rovinski and Ronald G. Dreslinski University of Michigan
Architecting Large-Scale SRAM Arrays with Monolithic 3D Integration Joonho Kong1, Young-Ho Gong2 and Sung Woo Chung2 1Kyungpook National University, 2Korea University
Temporal Codes in On-Chip Interconnects Michael Mishkin1, Nam Sung Kim2 and Mikko Lipasti1 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
11:45 – 13:15 |
Lunch |
13:15 – 14:45 |
Poster Session
Session Chair: Thomas Wenisch [Plato Hall] |
Design Contest Session Chairs: Saibal Mukhopadhyay (Georgia Tech), Yongpan Liu (Tsinghua University) [Plato Hall] |
P1. Enabling Efficient Fine-Grained DRAM Activations with Interleaved I/O Chao Zhang and Xiaochen Guo Lehigh University
P2. Gabor Filter Assisted Energy Efficient Fast Learning Convolutional Neural Networks Syed Shakib Sarwar, Priyadarshini Panda and Kaushik Roy Purdue University
P3. Low Design Overhead Timing Error Correction Scheme for Elastic Clock Methodology Sungju Ryu, Jongeun Koo and Jae-Joon Kim Pohang University of Science and Technology
P4. Efficient Query Processing in Crossbar Memory Mohsen Imani, Saransh Gupta, Atl Arredondo and Tajana Rosing UC San Diego
P5. A Low Power Duobinary Voltage Mode Transmitter Ming-Hung Chien, Yen-Long Lee, Jih-Ren Goh and Soon-Jyh Chang National Cheng Kung University
P6. A Simple Yet Efficient Accuracy Configurable Adder Design Wenbin Xu1, Sachin Sapatnekar2 and Jiang Hu1 1Texas A&M University, 2University of Minnesota
P7. E-Spector: Online Energy Inspection for Android Applications Chengke Wang, Yao Guo, Peng Shen and Xiangqun Chen Peking University
P8. A Case for Efficient Accelerator Design Space Exploration via Bayesian Optimization Brandon Reagen1, José Miguel Hernanez-Lobato2, Robert Adolf1, Michael Gelbart3, Paul Whatmough14, Gu-Yeon Wei1 and David Brooks1 1Harvard University, 2University of Cambridge, 3University of British Columbia, 4ARM Research
P9. SceneMan: Bridging Mobile Apps with System Energy Manager via Scenario Notification Li Li1, Jun Wang2, Xiaorui Wang1, Handong Ye2 and Ziang Hu2 1Ohio State University, 2Huawei Technologies
P10. Online Tuning of Dynamic Power Management for Efficient Execution of Interactive Workloads James R. B. Bantock, Vasileios Tenentes, Bashir M. Al-Hashimi and Geoff V. Merrett University of Southhampton
P11. Workload-Driven Frequency-Aware Battery Sizing Yukai Chen, Enrico Macii and Massimo Poncino Politecnico di Torino
P12. Exploring Sparsity of Firing Activities and Clock Gating for Energy-Efficient Recurrent Spiking Neural Processors Yu Liu, Yingyezhe Jin and Peng Li Texas A&M University
P13. QuARK: Quality-Configurable Approximate STT-MRAM Cache by Fine-Grained Tuning of Reliability-Energy Knobs Amir Mahdi Hosseini Monazzah1, Majid Shoushtari2, Seyed Ghassem Miremadi1, Amir M. Rahmani23 and Nikil Dutt2 1Sharif University of Technology, 2UC Irvine, 3TU Wien
P14. Efficient Thermoelectric Cooling for Mobile Devices Youngmoon Lee, Eugene Kim and Kang G. Shin University of Michigan
P15. Low Power In-Memory Computing based on Dual-Mode SOT-MRAM Farhana Parveen, Shaahin Angizi, Zhezhi He and Deliang Fan University of Central Florida
D1. A Low-Power Dual-Core Motion Estimation Chip Design and Implementation for a Wireless Panoramic Endoscopy Tsung-Yi Wu and Ching-Hwa Cheng Feng Chia University
D2. An Atomic-Aware Design to Maximize Energy Utilization on NVP-based Self-Powered Sensor Systems Chih-Kai Kang1, Chun-Han Lin2 and Pi-Cheng Hsiu1 1Academia Sinica, 2National Taiwan Normal University
D3. High Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Hybrid Neural Network Processor for Deep Learning Applications Shouyi Yin, Peng Ouyang, Shibin Tang, Fengbin Tu, Xiudong Li, Leibo Liu and Shaojun Wei Tsinghua University
D4. An Ultra-Low Power 169-nA 32.768-kHz Fractional-N PLL Chun-Yu Lin, Tun-Ju Wang, Tzu-Hsuan Liu and Tsung-Hsien Lin National Taiwan University
D5. TeleProbe: Zero-Power Contactless Probing for Implantable Medical Devices Woo Suk Lee1, Younghyun Kim2 and Vijay Raghunathan3 1Microsoft, 2University of Wisconsin-Madison, 3Purdue University
D6. Retention State-Aware Energy Management for Efficient Nonvolatile Processors Dongqin Zhou1, Weiwen Chen1, Xin Shi2, Mengying Zhao3 and Keni Qiu14 1Capital Normal University, 2Tsinghua University, 3Shandong University, 4Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Imaging Technology
D7. 1.4-mW, 56-GHz Arithmetic Logic Unit Based on Superconductor Single-Flux-Quantum Logic Circuit Masamitsu Tanaka1, Ryo Sato1, Yuki Hatanaka1, Yuichiro Matsui1, Hiroyuki Akaike1, Akira Fujimaki1, Koki Ishida2, Takatsugu Ono2 and Koji Inoue2 1Nagoya University, 2Kyushu University
D8. A Reconfigurable Building Block for Thermoelectric Generator Energy Harvesting under Spatial Temperature Variations Jaemin Kim1, Naehyuck Chang2, Donkyu Baek2, Youngil Kim2 and Donghwa Shin3 1Seoul National University, 2KAIST, 3Yeungnam University
14:45 – 16:00 |
Session 2A Analog Circuit Design
Session Chair: Shreyas Sen [Locke Hall] |
Session 2B HW Support for CNNs
Session Chair: Ron Dreslinski [Archimedes Hall] |
A 0.13pJ/bit, Referenceless Transceiver with Clock Edge Modulation for a Wired Intra-BAN Communication Jihwan Park, Gi-Moon Hong, Mino Kim, Joo-Hyung Chae and Suhwan Kim Seoul National University
A 32nm, 0.65-10GHz, 0.9/0.3 ps/σ TX/RX jitter Single Inductor Digital Fractional-n Clock Generator for Reconfigurable Serial I/O William Y. Li, Hyung Seok Kim, Kailash Chandrashekar, Khoa Nguyen and Ashoke Ravi Intel Corp. A Tunable Ultra Low Power Inductorless Low Noise Amplifier Exploiting Body Biasing of 28 nm FDSOI Technology Jennifer Zaini1, Frédéric Hameau2, Thierry Taris1, Dominique Morche1, Patrick Audebert1 and Eric Mercier1 1CEA Leti, 2University of Bordeaux
CORAL: Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Architecture for Convolutional Neural Networks Zhe Yuan, Yongpan Liu, Jinshan Yue, Jinyang Li and Huazhong Yang Tsinghua University
XNOR-POP: A Processing-in-Memory Architecture for Binary Convolutional Neural Networks in Wide-IO2 DRAMs Lei Jiang1, Minje Kim1, Wujie Wen2 and Danghui Wang3 1Indiana University Bloomington, 2Florida International University, 3Northwestern Polytechnical University Bit-Width Reduction and Customized Register for Low Cost Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator Kyungrak Choi, Woong Choi, Kyungho Shin and Jongsun Park Korea University
16:00 – 16:30 |
Coffee Break |
16:30 – 17:20 |
Session 3A Energy Storage & Cyber-Physical Systems
Session Chair: Enrico Macii [Locke Hall] |
Session 3B Design Methodologies for Machine Learning
Session Chair: Mikko Lipasti [Archimedes Hall] |
Battery Assignment and Scheduling for Drone Delivery Businesses Best Paper Nominee Sangyoung Park, Licong Zhang and Samarjit Chakraborty TU Műnchen
Reconfigurable Thermoelectric Generators for Vehicle Radiators Energy Harvesting Donkyu Baek1, Caiwen Ding2, Sheng Lin2, Donghwa Shin3, Jaemin Kim4, Xue Lin5, Yanzhi Wang2 and Naehyuck Chang1 1KAIST, 2Syracuse University, 3Yeungnam University, 4Seoul National University, 5Northeastern University
Power Optimizations in MTJ-based Neural Networks through Stochastic Computing Ankit Mondal and Ankur Srivastava Universtiy of Maryland A Learning Bridge from Architectural Synthesis to Physical Design for Exploring Power Efficient High-Performance Adders Subhendu Roy1, Yuzhe Ma2, Jin Miao1 and Bei Yu2 1Cadence Design Systems, 2Chinese University of Hong Kong
17:30 – 20:00 |
Industrial Reception (for all registered attendees)
Tuesday, 7/25 (Registration hours: 07:45 – 16:40)
8:00 |
Breakfast |
09:00 – 10:00 |
Keynote II
Peering into the Post Moore's Law World
Prof. Todd Austin University of Michigan Chair: Thomas Wenisch (University of Michigan) [Forum Hall] |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 – 11:45 |
Session 4A Low-Voltage & Energy-Efficient Design
Session Chair: Naehyuck Chang [Locke Hall] |
Session 4B Approximate & Learn!
Session Chair: Hsiang-Yun Cheng [Achimedes Hall] |
Comparative Study and Optimization of Synchronous and Asynchronous Comparators at Near-Threshold Voltages Sung Justin Kim, Doyun Kim and Mingoo Seok Columbia University
Full Chip Power Benefits with Negative Capacitance FETs Sandeep K. Samal1, Sourabh Khandelwal2, Asif I. Khan1, Sayeef Salahuddin3, Chenming Hu3 and Sung Kyu Lim1 1Georgia Tech, 2Macquerie University, 3UC Berkeley
Design High Bandwidth-Density, Low Latency and Energy Efficient On-Chip Interconnect Yong Wang and Hui Wu University of Rochester
AxSerBus: A Quality-Configurable Approximate Serial Bus for Energy-Efficient Sensing Younghyun Kim1, Setareh Behroozi1, Vijay Raghunathan2 and Anand Raghunathan2 1University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2Purdue University
Approximate Memory Compression for Energy-Efficiency Ashish Ranjan, Arnab Raha, Vijay Raghunathan and Anand Raghunathan Purdue University
SENIN: An Energy-Efficient Sparse Neuromorphic System with On-Chip Learning Myung-Hoon Choi, Seungkyu Choi, Jaehyeong Sim and Lee-Sup Kim KAIST
11:45 – 13:15 |
Lunch |
13:15 – 14:30 |
Session 5A Architecture & Technology Support for Neural Networks
Session Chair: Tsung-Te Liu [Locke Hall] |
Session 5B Power Delivery
Session Chair: Pradip Bose [Archimedes Hall] |
Monolithic 3D IC Designs for Low-Power Deep Neural Networks Targeting Speech Recognition Kyungwook Chang1, Deepak Kadetotad2, Yu Cao2, Jae-Sun Seo2 and Sung Kyu Lim1 1Georgia Tech, 2Arizona State University
A Programmable Event-Driven Architecture for Evaluating Spiking Neural Networks Arnab Roy1, Swagath Venkataramani2, Neel Gala1, Sanchari Sen2, Kamakoti Veezhinathan1 and Anand Raghunathan2 1IIT Madras, 2Purdue University An Energy-Efficient and High-Throughput Bitwise CNN on Sneak-Path-Free Digital ReRAM Crossbar Leibin Ni1, Zichuan Liu1, Wenhao Song2, J. Joshua Yang2, Hao Yu1, Kenwen Wang3 and Yuangang Wang3 1Nanyang Technological University, 2University of Massachusetts Amherst, 3Huawei Technologies
Placement Mitigation Techniques for Power Grid Electromigration Wei Ye1, Yibo Lin1, Xiaoqing Xu1, Wuxi Li2, Yiwei Fu2, Yongsheng Sun2, Canhui Zhan2and David Z. Pan1 1UT Austin, 2Hisilicon Technologies
Spatial and Temporal Scheduling of Clock Arrival Times for IR Hot-Spot Mitigation, Reformulation of Peak Current Reduction Bhoopal Gunna, Lakshmi Bhamidipati, Houman Homayoun and Avesta Sasan George Mason University Frequency and Time Domain Analysis of Power Delivery Network for Monolithic 3D ICs Kyungwook Chang1, Shidhartha Das2, Saurabh Sinha2, Brian Cline2, Greg Yeric2 and Sung Kyu Lim1 1Georgia Tech, 2ARM
14:30 – 15:00 |
Coffee Break |
15:00 – 16:40 |
Session 6A Multi-Scale Energy-Efficient Designs
Session Chair: Yiran Chen [Locke Hall] |
Session 6B (Special Session) Interaction of Power Management & Security
Session Chair: Hsien-Hsin Sean Lee [Archimedes Hall] |
ShiftMask: Dynamic OLED Power Shifting Based on Visual Acuity for Interactive Mobile Applications Han-Yi Lin1, Pi-Cheng Hsiu2 and Tei-Wei Kuo12 1National Taiwan University, 2Academia Sinica
Signal Strength-Aware Adaptive Offloading for Energy Efficient Mobile Devices Young Geun Kim and Sung Woo Chung Korea University
Frequency Governors for Cloud Database OLTP Workloads Rathijit Sen and Alan Halverson Microsoft
Tiguan: Energy-Aware Collision-Free Control for Large-Scale Connected Vehicles Minghua Shen and Guojie Luo Peking University
(Invited) Ultra-low Energy Security Circuit Primitives for IoT Platforms Sanu Mathew, Sudhir Satpathy, Vikram Suresh and Ram Krishnamurthy Intel Labs
(Invited) Low Power Requirements and Side-Channel Protection of Encryption Engines: Challenges and Opportunities Monodeep Kar1, Arvind Singh1, Sanu Mathew2, Anand Rajan2, Vivek De2 and Saibal Mukhopadhyay1 1Georgia Tech, 2Intel Labs
(Invited) Resilient and Energy-Secure Power Management Pradip Bose and Alper Buyuktosunoglu IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
(Invited) Secure Swarm Intelligence: A New Approach to Many-Core Power Management Augusto Vega, Alper Buyuktosunoglu and Pradip Bose IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
17:30 – 21:00 |
Banquet |
Wednesday, 7/26 (Registration hours: 07:45 – 12:00)
8:00 |
Breakfast |
09:00 – 10:00 |
Keynote III
Architecture and Software for Emerging Low-Power Systems
Prof. Wen-Mei W. Hwu University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Chair: David Garrett (Broadcom) [Forum Hall] |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Coffee Break |
10:30 – 11:45 |
Session 7A Emerging Technologies
Session Chair: David Brooks [Locke Hall] |
Session 7B Low-Power HW Security
Session Chair: Sanu Mathew [Archimedes Hall] |
Transistor-Level Monolithic 3D Standard Cell Layout Optimization for Full-Chip Static Power Integrity Bon Woong Ku1, Taigon Song2, Arthur Nieuwoudt2 and Sung Kyu Lim1 1Georgia Tech, 2Synopsys
Secure Human-Internet using Dynamic Human Body Communication Shovan Maity, Debayan Das, Xinyi Jiang and Shreyas Sen Purdue University
Hotspot Monitoring and Temperature Estimation with Miniature On-Chip Temperature Sensors Pavan Kumar Chundi, Yini Zhou, Martha Kim, Eren Kursun and Mingoo Seok Columbia University
A Data Remanence based Approach to Generate 100% Stable Keys from an SRAM Physical Unclonable Function Best Paper Nominee Muqing Liu, Chen Zhou, Qianying Tang, Keshab K. Parhi and Chris H. Kim University of Minnesota
An Improved Clocking Methodology for Energy Efficient Low Area AES Architectures using Register Renaming Siva Nishok Dhanuskodi and Daniel Holcomb University of Massachusetts Amherst
A Low-Power APUF-based Environmental Abnormality Detection Framework Hongxiang Gu, Teng Xu and Miodrag Potkonjak UC Los Angeles
11:45 – 12:00 |
Closing Remarks
12:00 – 12:30 |
Sack Lunch |
12:30 |
Embedded Tutorial Tiny Light-Harvesting Photovoltaic Charger-Supplies Gabriel A. Rincón-Mora Georgia Tech
12:30 – 15:30 |
Excursions (Optional, tickets can be purchased at the online registration system)
Excursion A - Yilan
Excursion B - Hsinchu ∗ Buses bound for Yilan and Hsinchu will depart from the main gate of NTU at 12:30. |